Dr. Rabindra Chaulagain
Assistant Professor
Office: BAC 312
Phone: (902) 585-1210
Email: rabindra.chaulagain@acadiau.ca
Student Hours
BA (Tribhuvan U), MA (Tribhuvan U), M PHIL (Pokhara U), MA (WLU), PhD (ULethbridge)
Research/Teaching Interests
- Migration
- Critical Refugee Studies
- Border Studies
- Social Theory
- Bio and Necropolitics
- Race
- Gender
- Sexuality
- Qualitative Methodology
- Global Postcolonialism
- Indigenous Anticolonialism
Teaching (2024 - 2025)
Fall 2024
SOCI-1033-FA02, Social Problems
SOCI-2003-FA01, Intro to Social Research
SOCI-2003-FA02, Intro to Social Research
SOCI-2103-FA01, Thinking Through Society
Winter 2025
SOCI-1033-WI01, Social Problems
SOCI-3013-WI01, Contemporary Social Theory